Where To Play Table Tennis In Singapore
Updated on 24 Sep 2024.
Table Tennis Academies
Air-conditioned. Paid per hour. Net, balls and ball pickers provided. Paid coaching if you want. All the works. Frequently used for school and academy training sessions.
Alps Table Tennis Academy. https://alpstabletennis.com/
New Century Table Tennis Academy. https://www.newcenturytabletennis.com/
TT Lab. https://tabletennislab.com.sg/
Glyx Sports. https://lessonplan.com.sg/marketplace/courses/tennis-lessons-1679-tennis-class, https://playsport.com/glyxsportstabletennisacademy_ag_3aa867e8/contact
Ascend. https://ascend.rezeve.com
JPong TT Club. https://jpong.sg/
MG Sports. https://www.facebook.com/p/MG-Sports-100087884452588/
Sports Excellent TT Academy. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61569510454538&mibextid=ZbWKwL 39A Jln Pemimpin, #07-01C, Singapore 577183. Rate is $8 per hour, open 24x7. Booking numberg 9369 2505
Other Large Indoors
TT Vogue. Address: 10 Toh Guan Road, #03-03, Singapore 608838. Open hours: 24 hours. 6 tables. Officially open on 1 Dec 2022. For booking, use TT Vogue mobile app or contact club owner Mr Ji Wenbin (91735862).
Super Sports. 5 tables, free parking. $5/hour until 31 May 2024, $7/hour weekdays 9am-6pm, $9/hour weekdays 6-10pm and weekend. 45 Jalan Pemimpin #09-07 S577197. Whatsapp 9092 9397 Grace for booking. Online booking https://Supersportstablebooking.as.me/
Copytron. Copytron 9 Eunos Ave 8A Level 4. Can check with Hu Jie 8142 9366 on hours.
小白球. XiaoBaiQiu. https://www.xiaobaiqiu.sg/ 167 Jalan Bukit Merah #01-10 Connection One S(150167) Tower 5,Singapore,150167. Opened in Oct 2024.
OCBC Arena. Book at https://www.sportshub.com.sg/sport-fitness/table-tennis, https://sportshub.perfectgym.com/clientportal2/#/FacilityBooking
Many community centres have table tennis tables which are open to public. Booking site for community centres: https://www.onepa.gov.sg/facilities
Outdoor Communities
There are actually many community groups that just meet up and play at tables at void decks around Singapore. You can try to join those groups listed in the Community section and ask where they play.
For info. Someone once identified around 120 table tennis tables in Singapore void decks: https://www.facebook.com/VoidDeckPingPong/posts/pfbid0353kNZnraiCRwe6BmpAskX3nQrXxK1t24iqwKT7xbPPNoCguYYjwFnme65mopoDzjl
Hidden Table Tennis Training Spots listed by Sin Ten: https://www.sintensports.com.sg/hidden-table-tennis-training-spots-in-singapore/
This might be a little out of date but listed here for info. https://pingpongsg.com/where-to-play/
There are many sports halls with table tennis tables available for booking on ActiveSG.
You can access them via ActiveSG and “Book a Facility” eg at https://members.myactivesg.com/facilities
Select Activity = Table Tennis, then choose from the venues and dates.
Upcoming Tournaments
STTA lists tournaments at: https://www.stta.org.sg/events/ and https://www.stta.org.sg/news/calendar-of-events/
Community tournaments listed at: https://www.facebook.com/tabletennismatch.singapore