Tutorials, articles, videos
TableTennisCoaching.com. http://www.tabletenniscoaching.com/blog. I think Larry Hodges writes some of the best books and articles on table tennis. Please check him out.
Tom Lodziak Table Tennis Coaching. https://www.tabletenniscoach.me.uk/about-tom/ Other than his webpage, Tom also produces very good and beginner friendly videos on Youtube.
TableTennisDailyAcademy. https://tabletennisdailyacademy.com/dashboard/ Coaches Dan & Tom are excellent teachers and I love their videos.
PingSkills. https://www.pingskills.com/ Excellent tutorials by coach Alois and Olympian Jeff.
Rubber Weight. https://tabletennis-reviews.com/reference/rubber-sheet-mass-size-database/ https://tabletennis-reviews.com/additional-table-tennis-rubber-mass-and-size-database/ To check the weight of specific rubbers if you are trying to customize for specific bat weight.
ITTF approved equipment eg rubber. https://equipment.ittf.com/#/equipment/racket_coverings
Chinese Ping Pong Portal Ping Pang Wang. https://www.pingpangwang.com/. Excellent chinese ping pong portal with plenty of info and videos.
Recommended Videos
Ping Pang Wang Guo Yun Peng (In Chinese). https://www.youtube.com/@yunpengguo/videos
Ti Long (In Vietnamese with English subs). https://www.youtube.com/@tilongclub
Ping Skills. https://www.youtube.com/@pingskills/videos
Table Tennis Daily Academy. https://www.youtube.com/@TableTennisDaily/videos
Table tennis academies listed in the Venues section have their own good coaches.
You might get recommendation for coaches from Sin Ten and Kingdom PP shop owners too if you ask them.
ActiveSG has a list of registered table tennis coaches and you can find them and their contact info at https://www.myactivesg.com/sports/find-a-coach You will need to filter for Table Tennis under sports.